So my cute little brother Ryan opened his mission call on Aug. 1, after a long wait. We all went over to my parents house to see where he would be spending the next two years of his life. Everyone got to make two guesses where he was going. One nationally and one internationally. There were close to fifty people there, so we had most of the countries covered. My other brother Cameron decided to guess North Carolina for his national guess, because that is where he lives! Then he guessed Campinas, Brazil, because that is where he seved HIS mission. We thought he was CRAZY and just being SILLY!!!
Well, he opened his call... You have been called to serve in the Campinas, Brazil mission. We all FROZE. We didn't know if he was joking or for real! So Natalie took the liberty to go and find out what the truth was. She read the first couple lines....yep! Campinas Brazil it is!!!! Can you believe it???? He is going to the exact same mission as his older brother! We were all in shock. I still can't believe it! But we are so excited for him! I guess the Castleton's need to be in Brazil!!!
We love you Ryan!!!! Congratulations!!
Oh my! I really can't believe it! That makes me feel so old! I swear he is just a little boy! A cute little boy at that! I am so happy for him! Yay Ryan!!!
Congrats to Ryan! Wow - there is a reason (or two or three or more) for everything, so it will be interesting to have this "same mission as older brother" thing play out! He will be a fantastic missionary.
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