We took a trip to Ann Arbor for the opening weekend of College Football and it was AWESOME! We all arrived in Michigan on different flights and had our own glitches, but we all survived and had a great experience in one of the most historic football scenes in the country.

I was able to get to Detroit safe and sound. It was really nice to get to the Marriott and check-in to get some sleep. It was especially nice to check-in under my dad's name, who has 'elite' status. They seem to be much nicer once they see the 'elite' on the reservation.
The game the next day started at 3:30pm. We decided that we better get to Ann Arbor around 10am to avoid traffic and enjoy the town before the game. That might have been a weeeeeeeeeeee early. We had breakfast at some diner in town then ended up resting/napping on somebody's lawn for an hour or so. Oh well. All (most) of the Michigan fans were very friendly.

The dude in the wife beater didn't really know how to shut his mouth. He was talking trash the whole first half. Which was funny, cuz the Utes dominated the first half. He changed his tune in the second half--

As you can see, he was ashamed.

Great trip all together. Good time with the Short boys and always good to have the Utes win- and beat effing BCS teams.
Can't wait for Washington to beat the coogs.
I once stood on the field of the Big House (on weekday though). It is an amazing place, but didn't look like a comfortable place to sit in for 4 hours.
Lucky for you, the Utes won! Congrats on ya mate!
Yes, scary for the Cougs, but pulled off the win at U-dub. Their defense sucks, offense rocks. Who knows what the season holds.
Shorty...you suck. Don't be dissin' on my Cougs. I'm hoping for an 11-0 and 11-0 show down up on the hill on Nov 22nd. I had to buy stupid Ute season tickets to get that game, but I'll be there.
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