Thursday, May 13, 2010

SaLt LaKe HaLf MaRatHon!

(Hallee and I at the finish line)
On April 17th, I ran the Salt Lake City Half Marathon. It was my first race since little Hallee Bear. It was so much fun. It just happened to be the same day as Eric's and my third anniversary! So we got to start the day off bright and early together in the cold morning air.

Eric was so great! He got home late friday night from a business trip. He woke up early and drove me to the starting line. He stayed with me until the race started. We even got to wait in the lengthy line for the porta-potty together. It was quite the popular spot.
We had so much fun together. He was making jokes about everyone around us, while trying to keep me warm, while holding all my stuff, waiting for my turn for the bathroom.
He ran the Salt Lake Marthon the first year they had it. So he has a special place in his heart for the race. He was so supportive and helpful. This is me at the starting line. I didn't want to take my jacket off all the way, because it was so cold. But I had to show my number.
After the race started, he went and picked up Hallee. They found a good mid point spot to cheer me on. Then I saw their smiling faces at the end of the race! It was a good day.
We finished our anniversary by going to the University of Utah's Spring football game. Then we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner! YUM! I am so lucky to be married to such a wonderful, loving husband! Love you babe!!


Kim said...

You look amazing!! Way too pretty to be running a marathon! Way to go!!! A great accomplishment!

Aly said...

Good job! And happy anniversary!

Syd said...

Wow, I need to get you as my trainer after this baby comes! Got any secrets to share right now? Lol! You two really know how to celebrate a wedding anniversary...thanks for sharing such an impressive post with us. Hope to see you soon. I miss you tons!!!