Hallee is finally here! It took some convincing... but she joined our little family on June 1st at 6:52 p.m. She came out beautiful, weighing 8 lbs 6 oz, and measuring 21 inches long. It has been the most incredible experience. I am treasuring every moment with her! I just don't want her to ever grow up!

Labor was the most amazing experience! Everything went well!The whole day had a peaceful feel. There couldn't be a more amazing feeling than holding your baby for the first time. Eric was wonderful. The second best thing was watching him hold our little Hallee for the first time.

The hospital was wonderful! The nurses and my doctor were fabulous! They were very understanding of us, the over-worried, protective partents! But there was nothing better than bringing her home!

Here is Hallee, all ready to go home!

Here is Daddy welcoming Hallee home!

We are just so glad Hallee is here! We love her sooo much!! Being a parent is the greatest thing in the world! I am sure than will be many more post to come. We have already taken hundreds of pictures of out little beauty! We love you Hallee!

Cute!! She is so sweet. Congrats again. We are all happy she's here...especially Ben.
Oh my gosh! She is so adorable. I love that feeling of having your first baby. There is nothing like it. Enjoy it! I can't wait to meet her.
Congrats!!! She is AMAZING! How could she be anything different with such beautiful parents...
She is so sweet! Congrats and I hope you are all still doing well. I would love to come visit once you are really settled.
CONGRATS!! What a beautiful baby.
heather- She is so cute. I love all her dark hair! I have a new blog, so keep this one, and delete the other one. Congrat's on the baby!
Congratulations Heather!!! She is so beautiful! Those pictures are so cute, it just makes me so much more excited for our baby girl in October! YAY for baby princesses!
Hooray! We are so excited for you. The girls ooh and ahh over the pictures. You are a darling mom! I am so happy that you all are doing well! Look forward to many more pictures.
Yeah, I love all the pictures! She is a doll, and as always, you look wonderful. Glad you guys are home now...let the fun begin! :) Take care and keep the pictures coming.
heather she is gorgeous!!!!
She is so adorable and I'm glad you're enjoying being a mom!
Let me know when you guys are settled and up for visitors or a lunch date. :)
Hi Heather, you don't know me but I went to high school with Eric. I just wanted to say congrats on the beautiful baby girl! It's kind of funny but she is exactly 6 months younger than my Sasha. Hallee weighs the exact same and is the exact same height as Sasha when she was born! Ha ha! Anyway, she is very beautiful and you will have so much fun being a mom! Congrats!
Congrats Heather! I woke up thinking of you this morning, and wondering about Hallee. She is gorgeous, as are you! I'm so glad everything went well. Looking at your blog brought back so many sweet memories with my newborns. I know everyone says it, but it goes SO fast! I know you'll enjoy every second. Beautiful name! Love and miss you cousin!
That last picture is to die for!!! Oh my goodness she is unbelievable... So dang cute..... We are so excited for you and wish we could share her with you.
I hope you don't think I'm weird...Well that just makes me sound weird. Anyways I went to high school with your hubby. I wanted to tell you how beautiful that baby is. Eric was so cute with all his posting of how to get that baby to come, I was feeling sorry for you. I hope all is well and again that baby it darling!
Heather this is Kaci Johnson, Devin Johnson's wife, I just wanted to leave a comment about how dang cute your little girl is. I can't believe all that dark hair. So happy to here everything went well with the delievery. Where did you deliever? Enjoy every minute with cute little Hallee!!
Congratulations!! She is beautiful and you look fabulous as well! I am so happy for you guys.
Hey Heather!! I'm bummed I missed you when I dropped off our little outfit for that sweet girl. You guys are a beautiful family!!! hope to see you soon
She is a little angel! We are so glad that all went well...
Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting!
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