Monday, May 25, 2009


Just in case any of you have been following our baby countdown widget... you may have noticed that it is no longer counting. Which in turn means that our baby should be here, right? Not yet. I guess she has something else in mind! That's ok... we better get use to life on her schedule instead of ours!! :) We love you Hallee! Can't wait for you to join our little family!


Aly said...

I was just asking Steve, what the latest news was. Good luck! She'll be here before you know it. It's such an exciting thing!

Annelise said...

I was wondering if she had come yet. Trust me, you will definitely want to take advantage of this free time because you won't get it back for a long time. I can't wait! I bet you can't either.

Nathan and Jeanie Earl said...

I know you're so excited and CAn'T sleep, but you know we're SO excited to have you even LonGEr!!

Scott and Natalie said...

I was wondering what your widget would do...they need to come up with something better! Good luck See you and sweet Hallee soon!