So this weekend we pretty much were everywhere that President Monson was! On Friday night we got to go to the series ending Jazz game! (which was awesome!!!) President Monson was sitting in the suite next to us! All that stood between us, was a thin piece of glass. When not watching the game, we were watching the Prophet and his wife. His wife didn't seem to be enjoying the game much, sleeping through most of it. The Jazz got a few claps out of our cute Prophet, but not a smile. Maybe it was the loud noises, the crazy stunts, or the body guard watching his every move. He seemed to enjoy the array of food though!

Then today we went to Stake Conference, and guess who was on the stand?? You're right! It was President Monson. He lives in our stake, and is very good at coming and visiting. He shared some wonderful memories from his time here. It was amazing! I am so grateful for our wonderful prophet. I feel so blessed to live here in Utah so close to these wonderful men!