Overall, its been a pretty good couple of weeks. The bad news is that we lost earlier than we wanted in our softball tournament in St George, but besides that- the job is good, Lacey's baby is good, Heather is good, I'm gaining happy weight, and Heather still looks pretty dang wonderful.
We got to St George on Friday evening and had just enough time to hit up the Fiesta Fun Batting Cages in 119 degree heat before we hit up our first game at 9pm. Unfortunately, after a nail-biter of a game that went to the 11th inning. We should have won that dang game, but we have a history of not doing so well the first game... we don't warm up well.
Just the beginning....
We lost at nine, then played again at 11pm- won that one. Played at 2am- won that one. Played at 5am- and won that one. We thought we were on fire! Unfortunately, the crazies that ran the tourney scheduled us to play at 6pm on Saturday night in the freaking heat!!!
Yes- you are correct-- it WAS hotter than hell. We started off the game at 6pm and, being our first game of the day, we blew it. We lost 6-2 in a freaking softball game to a bunch of guys that are probably all related to Richie Valenz and Speedy Gonzalez. Tough loss. HUGE props to Heather for being an excellent team-mom. She was in charge of keeping me hydrated and was on call all weekend for any other Gatorade requests. Way to go, Heath!!!
So we had an open night to hang out and went to see the new Die Hard movie... Seriously, one of the coolest movies I've ever seen. I'm not huge on the Die Hard series, but we both thought it was AWESOME!!
We drove home early the next morning and we had some car trouble. I thought that the Mazda would make it to Cedar City on a quarter tank-- I was terribly wrong. Just as we were coming up on the final exit to Cedar, the Mazda began to jerk and we were literally 'coasting on fumes.'
We were actually really lucky cuz I was able to coast all the way to the entrance of the Shell Station. The picture is a reinactment, that Heather set us up for, but it isn't too far from what it looked like. I'm glad I had Jimmy to help push. The coasting skills of the Mazda were, indeed, impressive and we were able to continue on for a safe trip home.
I started my job at ADP this week. I'm exhausted and having an information-overload, but I'm really enjoying it and I'm really excited to get going and sell billions of dollars of shiz. :)

Lacey was finally able to bring home her baby this week. Jack Ryan "Bidu" Gatherum came home on Wednesday and is doing outstanding! Holy crap he's a good lookin' kid!!
We did some more waterskiing today with Matt and his clan, Ryan and Ella, and Dad. We busted out the tube for the little kids, but I thought it might be fun to go rip up the rubber with some barrel-rolls or somethin'. If you wanna see some sweet action tubing, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DT1NdqzzEs
It may not be that cool, but it was a big moment for me.
Heather ripped up the wakeboard again in less-than-stellar water but put on a good show. She makes it look pretty good with out a good wake, good water, nor a tower. She's so hot! Take a look-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RIU4_rGZlE
Matt and I got compare arm size-- and it was a sad day for him. DISCLAIMER: Please do not look at anything ACCEPT the arms. We are well aware that we are not that great-looking with our shirts off. Yes, it's true, I am up to a semi-healthy 220 lbs now.
Pretty obvious to me, thanks very much.
Things are back to normal for awhile. I'm back in a structured job with some good support and stability. Heather is doing great with her time off from school, but stays busy with little school projects and taking care of me-- she's making some wonderful food and you can see that I'm reaping the benefits.
Isn't that baby the cutest kid you've ever seen? I'm finally catching up on other people's blogs .... nice to see you're finally catching up on your own!
Eric, I can't believe Matt's arms are so much bigger than yours!! Fun blog, I can't show it to Dave though, he has a crush on your wife!!!
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